The team are away at Rochdale Hornets on Saturday 27th May 2023.  Keiron Johnson has named his squad for this game:

1          Scott Pyrah                             Sponsored by Teresa Doran

2          George Herd

3          Sam Stebbings                        Sponsored by Fate & Fings design

10        Becky Wilkinson ©                 Sponsored by UK Swim Stars/Yes Driving School

6          Stewart Walker

8          Stephen Potter

15        David Gregson                        Sponsored by Wendy from Moorhelp/City Away Days

16        Jon Bairstow                           Sponsored by the Bairstow Family/The Lee Family

11        Richard Wright                        Sponsored by Carolyn & Antony Wright / St Pauls Chambers          

The planned home fixture against Mersey Storm has been forfeited by them, resulting in a nominal 24-0 win and 2 points.

As the game was planned to be held in Memory of Martin Moran who recently died from, MND, the team have been able to put together a hastily arranged ‘Barbarians’ friendly, with players from teams across the region invited to come and join in.  So far we are expecting players from Warrington Wolves and Rochdale Hornets.  There may be others join us on the day.  Dave Abel has agreed to be nominal head coach of the ‘Barbarians’ team for the day.  Our thanks to him and Warrington Wolves.


The team are due to receive 8 shiny new chairs.

Bulltech Solutions has made a generous donation which has helped the Foundation to secure a grant fromRLWC2021 Capital Grants Programme.

These are eagerly awaited as we currently have more players than chairs!


The training group has grown by 1 this week with the registering of Isabelle Wright as a player:  This means that we now have a Father/Son/Daughter combo, watch this space it could get interesting…….. 

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